文:Joe Fernandez
【纳吉千万不要以为使用肮脏手段逼迫反贪污委员会发表文告,将他的26亿赃款定位为政治献金,就可以封档,逃过司法制裁;从网络上民众的反应可以清楚看 出,没有人相信他的鬼话,所有的讽刺漫画、评论、制图,都一面倒的批判着纳吉,显见纳吉已经民心向背,彻底的失去了人民的信任。】沙布丁说。
人民也认定了砂拉越报告、The Edge商业周刊、副首相慕尤丁、巫统副主席沙菲益和总检察长阿都干尼是纳吉为了确保个人权位稳固而被牺牲掉的羔羊。
沙布丁说:【巫统将给予阿末扎希全力支持,巫统上下将迅速背弃纳吉。阿末扎希过去曾经多次起落,经过严峻考验,已经获得巫统压倒性的支持力量;千年他以最 高票数当选巫统第一副主席就是明证。只要阿末扎希挑选希山慕丁为副首相,巫统所有的支持力量,包括慕尤丁和沙菲益也都势必全部倒向他,则大局已定。】
人民早已认定26亿私人账户存款就是贪污洗钱的铁证,人民也都清楚政府早有明文规定,即使是收取礼篮也算是一种贪污罪行,何况26亿那么庞大的【政治献 金】,人民不是笨蛋。】
Shahbudin: Najib’s ‘fate’ lies in Zahid’s hands
Joe Fernandez August 5, 2015
KUALA LUMPUR: A political analyst, taking to his blog on the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) statement virtually clearing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak of wrongdoing on the unexplained RM2.6 billion in his personal banking accounts, has pointed out that the people are still convinced that the Prime Minister is guilty. “The onus is on him to prove his innocence. No right-thinking people will accept the RM2.6 billion as donation money.”
“Najib must not think that he has escaped the law just because the MACC has issued a statement virtually clearing him of wrongdoing. He will not escape in the Court of Public Opinion as witnessed in the social media complete with caricatures, cartoons, cynicism, sarcasm and insults.”
In fact, added Shahbudin Husin, Najib has now come under even greater publicscrutiny following the MACC statement on the RM2.6 billion. “The people see the MACC statement itself as a further example of wrongdoing on his part.”
The Sarawak Report, The Edge Media Group, Muhyiddin Yassin, Shafie Apdal, and Abdul Gani Patail are seen as sacrificial lambs to ensure that Najib can continue as Prime Minister, said Shahbudin. “However, since Muhyiddin is out of the Cabinet, the ball is now in Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s court.”
It remains to be seen, said Shahbudin, whether he wants to go along with Najib as Prime Minister or he will do something to be remembered for a long time by the people. “Clearly, Najib has become a liability to Umno and the Barisan Nasional (BN).”
Zahid, he thinks, will receive full support if he publicly puts pressure on Najib to come clean on the RM2.6 billion and the RM42 billion 1MDB Scandal. “If Najib continues to remain silent, his position will become untenable and Zahid can force him to step down as Prime Minister.”
“Umno members will believe Zahid and give him their full support. They will quickly abandon Najib. Zahid has strong support within Umno, tried and tested through party elections, unlike Najib in recent years. Zahid will have the support of Muhyiddin and Shafie as well. They know that supporting Najib is not the right thing to do.”
Shahbudin remains confident that Najib will not kick out Zahid too from the Cabinet.
“After Zahid, who will he kick out to save himself?”
Zahid, said the analyst, just has to get Najib’s cousin Hishammuddin Hussein Onn on his side as the new Deputy Prime Minister. “His Home Ministry will be an asset to him in ensuring that the laws are upheld and that Najib cannot be considered immune to them.”
Continuing to appeal to the people to support Najib, despite the RM42 billion 1MDB Scandal and the RM2.6 billion controversy, is not an option, he pointed out.
“The RM2.6 billion is being linked with corruption and money laundering. The government departments have regulations against even receiving hampers, what more RM2.6 billion in donation money.”
If Najib was just an office boy or despatch boy, not the Prime Minister, said the analyst, surely no one would donate RM2.6 billion to him. “He should not delay in disclosing from where the RM2.6 billion was obtained, how it was spent, what remains, and why his personal banking accounts with these funds were closed.”